Pokemon Go’ Tips: How To Find Rare Pokemon in 5 steps

Finding Rare Pokemon

If you are a fan of Pokemon Series, you will know that you might try moving heaven and earth and yet end up empty-handed when it comes to rare Pokemon. There are no set of fixed rules for finding a rare Pokemon since they are strategically placed in a way that only an ardent “Pokemon Go” gamer can find.

포켓몬 광팬이시라면 , 잇님께서는 하늘과 땅으로 포켓몬을 찾아 이동하시겟지만, 빈 손일 수도 있지여, 희귀포켓몬을 얻는 고정된 방법은 없어요.

다만 여기 5가지 방법을 안내해드리자면.

Tip #1: Subscribe to the monthly newsletter of Pokemon Trainer Club. If you are a loyal member of the club, they might provide you at times with unique codes for finding a rare Pokemon.

1.포켓몬 트레이너 클럽의 뉴스레터를 정기구독하세요. 잇님이 이 클럽 충성회원이면 희귀템을 찾을 수 있는 유니크한 코드를 제공할 거예요.


Tip #2: There is a greater chance of finding a rare Pokemon if you vary the destinations of your exploration. For example, try to cover vast expanses of different parts of the globe, rather than sticking to a single country or place. Also, you may want to consider traveling to a wide array of geographical terrains such as mountains, plains etc, reports .

2.다양한 장소를 탐험해야 더 좋은 기회가 있어요. 예를 들언 다양한 세계의 장소를 산 혹은 평원등을 넓게 탐험해보세요.

Tip #3: Rare Pokemon has a knack of showing up in uncanny places where you would least expect it . Instead of choosing a well-known place, try choosing one with an odd and the least-heard-of name.

희귀포켓몬은  <잇님이 기대하지 않던 장소에 나타날 수 있습니다. 좀 이상하고 잘 안알려진 곳을 선택해보 세요.


Tip #4: Run towards golden leaves! Even though nothing has been confirmed yet, there have been reports coming in of people getting rewarded with some form of a rare Pokemon almost every time that they rushed towards some golden leaves that have magically appeared on their “Pokemon Go” map.

황금잎으로 향해보세요. 확실하지게 된건 아니지만 포켓몬고 지도에서 마법처럼 나타난답니다.

Tip #5: Level up as fast as you can. People who are at a higher level in the game are most likely to encounter a rare Pokemon on their adventure.

빨리 레벨을 높이세요. 높은 레벨은 사람들은 희귀 포켓몬을 수집하는 경향이있습니다.



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